Nature has always been the best and gentlest pharmacy when it comes to taking care of our skin. Nature provides emollients like cocoa butter, which is a great antioxidant and skin moisturizer; jojoba oil, which is a great anti-inflammatory; sesame seed oil, which is great for psoriasis and eczema; and tea tree oil, which has great antiseptic and antifungals properties. NATURAL AND ORGANIC HANDMADE SOAPS

Google handmade soap  lavender rose and jasmine.

Nature has also provided us with a lot of great natural scrubs and exfoliators. 

Among them, rose clay is a mineral that is great for gently cleaning and exfoliating the skin by drawing out impurities from pores. Another great exfoliator is oatmeal, which is a great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Also another exfoliator that you might not expect is coffee, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and is said to stimulate collagen production.

Natural soap makers use all of these ingredients and many more to create products that are healthy, gentle, and very effective.

So, why don’t conventional mass producing soap makers use these ingredients in their manufacturing (other than sometimes a drop for marketing purposes), because although these natural ingredients work better and are better for you, they’re expensive compared to synthetics that are less effective and can often also irritate your skin.

Looking for some great natural and organic handmade soap makers, I found three great companies – Natural Handcrafted Soap, A Wicked Scrub, and Vermont Soap – each with a good variety of products that are worth looking at.

Florida Citrus sunshine soap Google Yahoo  Bing Shop all natural soap

Natural Handcrafted Soap

Natural Handcrafted Soap are made with an olive oil base, without the use of synthetic chemicals, preservatives, artificial dyes, and synthetic fragrance oils.

Olive oil has great health properties including decreasing inflammation, reducing acne, and is full of antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids to heal and improve skin texture.

The company says that, “Every bar begins with a high percentage of cold pressed olive oil to which we add (a combination of other ingredients, depending on the particular soap, that include) organic coconut oil, palm and castor, avocado, Brazilian nut, almond and hazelnut, tea tree, and copaiba oils.”

These ingredients have some really amazing benefits. Coconut oil, for example, is a moisturizer that’s also great for treating skin conditions, including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and skin infections. It also has a lot of antioxidants that are great for reducing the signs of premature aging.

Natural Handcrafted Soap has a lot of different blends of soaps that I like. I want to focus on three diverse formulations – the South African Grapefruit with Moroccan Red Clay and Mango Butter Soap; the Oatmeal Organic Soap with Shea Butter and Brazilian Hazelnuts; and the Brazilian Espresso Coffee Scrub Soap with Coffee Butter and Hazelnut, Citrus Oils, and Hint of Vanilla.

Grapefruit soap - African Grapefruit  handmade soap all natural Yahoo Bing and Google

The grapefruit in the South African formulation contains vitamin C, which is a natural exfoliator as well as a collagen builder that’s great for reducing fine lines. Vitamin C is also a great antioxidant for reducing free radicals in the skin.

Natural Handcrafted Soap Grapefruit Acne Handmade Soap with Brazilian Clay

Etsy – Grapefruit Soap

Amazon – African Grapefruit Soap

Google – Grapefruit Soap

The red clay in the soap has clarifying properties which include drawing out toxins, impurities, and dead skin cells. In addition, the mango butter in the soap has properties including healing rashes, restoring skin’s flexibility, and reducing fine lines. Other ingredients in the soap that have great healing and moisturizing properties include coconut oil and sesame oil..

Google Oatmeal  Organic Soap

Among the benefits of the Organic Oatmeal Soap is that oatmeal provides benefits including acting as an anti-inflammatory, soothing dry skin, and has antioxidants. The Shea butter in the soap is an incredible moisturizer, and has vitamin A which is great for reducing wrinkles in the skin, as well as improving the appearance of eczema and dermatitis. Source : Natural Handcrafted Oatmeal Organic Shea Butter

Amazon Handmade – Organic oatmeal Soap

The hazelnut oil in the oatmeal soap is also a great moisturizer as well as an astringent that’s great for acne-prone skin. Also, among the soap’s ingredients is coconut oil, which again is a great moisturizer and great for treating acne conditions.

Brazilian Espresso and Coffee Scrub Soap  - at Google Shop - Yahoo- Bing - Amazon ETsy

Another favorite from Natural Handcrafted Soap is the Brazilian Espresso scrub soap. You don’t normally think of coffee as good for your skin, but coffee and coffee grinds are great exfoliators.

Coffee has antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and mildly dehydrates your skin, which is great for reducing puffiness. The coffee grinds make an anti-cellulite scrub, which both scrubs off dead cells and makes skin appear firmer. The caffeine in the coffee also has the benefit of stimulating circulation in the skin.

Another important ingredient in this coffee soap is almond oil. It’s a moisturizer, an anti-inflammatory, and has properties that have proven effective for reducing wrinkles, acne, and exfoliating. Brazilian Espresso Coffee Scrub Soap Bar … – and Natural Handcrafted Soap Brazilian Espresso Reduce under-eye puffiness and odors from your skin.

Besides the soaps I just mentioned, the company also has a lot of other types of soaps using various clays, plant extracts, goat’s milk, and a lot of other good stuff that’s worth exploring.

Beer Soap is also worth looking at. While you might know that beer is a great conditioner for your hair, what you might not know is that it’s also great for your skin.

Beer Soap - Good for acne

The hops in beer are considered to have great exfoliating properties, while the beer also works to retain the moisture in your skin. The yeast in beer is also considered to help improve elasticity and decrease acne in your skin.

Beer Soap – Artisan all Natural Beer Stout Soap Bar With Shea … : Beer Soap Oatmeal and Stout Soap Bar with … › Soap-Oatmeal-Stout-Guinne…
About this item · All Natural Soaphandcrafted beer soap · All Natural Organic Olive Oil From A Family Olive Farm In Greece Used in Our Soaps All Bars Handmade, …


Google 4 organic citrus soap bar\eco-friendly natural and vegan

Ecofriendly Soap Florida Citrus Soap Made in the USA! Shop sustainable citrus orange lemon lime tangerine  handmade soaps . Cruelty-free, Vegan, Google shop on our web NATURAL HANDCRAFTED CITRUS SOAPS Safe for hands, face, and body.

If you were looking for an organic bar soap eco-friendly ingredients our Tangerine Citrus Soap Bar is the perfect choice to brighten up your shower routine.

Citrus soap made with organic and high quality natural citruses essential oils and butters , herbs and clays sourced from all over the world to create homemade soaps the old-fashioned way, made from a small batches cold-process method of soap-making. Handmade Citrus soaps is fresh All-natural ingredients. No harmful chemicals or preservatives.
Our Citrus Soap bar are made from Tangerine , Grapefruit Lemon, Lime and Orange Essential Oils. Citrus is also known for its Anti-wrinkle and Anti-Acne properties, it will leave you feeling fresh and rejuvenated..
African Grapefruit Citrus Soap with All Natural Clay Handmade

Lemongrass Organic Soap- All Natural Thai Lemongrass Soap, Wonderful for all skin types, especially oily skin. Fresh grassy-citrus scent with an Earthy undertone is refreshing,stimulating and soothing Lemongrass (Cymbopogen citratus) is a grass in the same family as citronella. 

Exfoliates Skin:- lemongrass improves the texture of the skin by removing the dead cells thereby preventing the formation of blackheads, and whiteheads. It also helps in opening the clogged pores.

Lemongrass Soap 90% Organic Extra Virgin Greek Olive Oil with Shea Butter

Artisan Lemongrass Soap 90% Organic Extra Virgin Greek Olive Oil with Shea Butter – Lemongrass Essential Oil – Fresh Lemongrass, 5.5 oz. Limited Edition

Lemongrass essential oil has a plethora of therapeutic benefits when administered. The sensation the oil holds out for your body and mind will be well received. Its strong, caressing aroma is sufficient to excite your senses and calm insecurities of the heart. It’s refreshing. It’s vibrant, and it creates a protective wall around your mind to help allay emotional imbalance and disturbance. Lemongrass can be a ray of sunshine, a friend. Will you allow it to Enlarged pores and debris build-up spells acne… and more acne. Facial acne and blemishes are extreme joy and confidence killers. With lemongrass, your skin gets the care it deserves. The antiseptic and astringent chemicals may be used to clean clogged pores and prevent an infection. Your countenance will see less inflammation and redness. You’ll not only look but feel beautiful. Your confidence will get a boost in the right direction, and people will see the real you; not your breakouts and over sized pimples.

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Contemplating Life in the Bathtub

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy, 2014!

This make me laugh …

Contemplating Life in the Bathtub By JEREMY GLASS

Victor Kerlow

Dear Diary:

I’m in the bathtub again. I’m not in the bathtub that often, but, when I am, it becomes an event.

I take more time preparing for the bath than I do submerged in water, for goodness sake. I usually bring a beer I won’t drink, a book I won’t read and a phone I won’t touch. All my plans go out the window as I catch myself millions of miles away in outer space with a beard made of suds.

I like opening the window and hearing the sounds of Chinatown downstairs. What a racket. Everybody’s selling something or too busy honking their cars into a wreck to even consider selling something. But there I am, grinning like a dope in my bathtub.

I always watch movies where people are in their tubs with half their bodies submerged. I think it’s a way to show off their anxiety. I don’t know; I make do with my sudsy beard and untouched book. Oh, porcelain chamber, you know me too well. I’m comforted and dismayed all at once as you wash off the grime of the day from my skin.

I’m happy for cleanliness, though remorseful of the memories lost. What if I wanted that old book smell on my hands from that place uptown? I try sticking my head under water, I really do, but my ears get all foggy and I forget where I am. Oh yeah, three floors above Grand Street where people like me have been feeling contemplative for, what, hundreds of years? Maybe there wasn’t much to think about back then. Maybe there was.

This is Mr. Glass, submerged in the bathtub, a bag of tea in boiling water. Drink up my anxiety; I’m only steeping.

I’d definitely recommend the Bath often  if you’re in the mood for a relaxing with delicious Natural handcrafted soap  —(There are tips ) .

Contemplating Life in the Bathtub with Handmade All Natural Dead Sea Mud Soap With Dead Sea Salt (Unscented)

Handmade All Natural Dead Sea Mud Soap With Dead Sea Salt (Unscented)
Handmade All Natural Dead Sea Mud Soap With Dead Sea Salt (Unscented)

Volcanic Ash With Cocoa Butter and Patchouli
Volcanic Ash With Cocoa Butter and Patchouli

Oatmeal and Stout With Shea Butter made with Guinness Extra Stout
Oatmeal and Stout With Shea Butter made with Guinness Extra Stout


New Year’s Eve Celebrate. (Natural handcrafted soap)

The new year is around the corner and a perfect way to get excited .
Are you making any New Year’s Resolutions? How will you ring in 2014?
I have some suggestions to make my and yours  (New Year’s Eve more Relax and FUN).
If you’re home alone , take your time to relax to reduce stress and  feel good about yourself  .  I recommend this Awesome Scented Soap with Patchouli
Volcanic Ash Soap w/ Patchouli – Bath Soap

Volcanic Ash with Patchouli  Soap _ body Soap
Volcanic Ash with Patchouli Soap _ body Soap

This would be very nice all year round, it’s very versatile ,REALLY, smells like the holidays!
Coffee Soap for Night lovers – luxurious Lather for a  New Year Party !

Coffee soap
Coffee soap

Since it was for new Years you of course need champagne.

Castile Natural Soap  for a little extra relaxing time on my bath  .

Castile Soap

Checklist to get ready for a New Year’s


Happy New Year! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you, full of love, happiness and surprises.

Handmade Soaps

Provence Lavender Soap with Dead Sea Mud  And Rose Clay Limited Edition Jasmine  Soap  X Large Bar  - Moroccan Clay -Organic Coconut Milk

Here are a few fun posts from around the web…
 Beyoncé  broke the Internet. (So did Bowie.)
